*** Dorothy Morgan-Parke ***
Deacon Thomas (Thomas)
| |
| Margaret Hibbard-Morgan | |
*** Report ***
Name | Dorothy Morgan-Parke |
Geboren am | 1652-03-06 in New London, New London, Connecticut, USA
Gestorben am | 1704-04-05 in Preston, New London, Connecticut, USA
Wohnort(e) | New London, New London, Connecticut, USA (1652); Preston, New London, Connecticut, USA (1704) |
| Vater | Deacon Thomas (Thomas) Parke (1615-02-13 bis 1709-07-30)
| Mutter | Dorothy Parke-Thompson (1624-07-05 bis 1709-08-09)
| Partner
| Ehemann | Joseph Morgan (1646-10-29 bis 1704-04-05) Hochzeit am 1670-04 in Preston, New London, Connecticut, USA |
| Tochter | Margaret Hibbard-Morgan (1686-07-02) |
Daughter of Thomas Parke and Dorothy (Thompson) Parke. Sister of Martha (Parke) Wheeler, Thomas Parke, Nathaniel Parke, Robert Parke, Alice (Parke) Larrabee, William Parke and John Parke. Mother of Joseph Morgan Jr., Dorothy Morgan, Hannah Morgan, Dorothy (Morgan) Witter, Anne (Morgan) Davidson, Martha (Morgan) Perkins, Margaret (Morgan) Hibbard, Abigail Morgan, Deborah Morgan and Hannah Morgan.