*** Deacon Thomas (Thomas) Parke ***
| Martha Wheeler-Parke |
| Dorothy Morgan-Parke | |
*** Report ***
Name | Deacon Thomas (Thomas) Parke |
Geboren am | 1615-02-13 in Hitcham, Suffolk, England
Gestorben am | 1709-07-30 in Preston, New London, Connecticut, USA
Wohnort(e) | Hitcham, Suffolk, England (1615); Wethersfield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA (1646); New London, New London, Connecticut, USA (1652); Preston, New London, Connecticut, USA (1709) |
| Ehefrau | Dorothy Parke-Thompson (1624-07-05 bis 1709-08-09) Hochzeit am 1644-10-28 in Roxbury, Suffolk, Massachusetts, USA |
| Tochter | Martha Wheeler-Parke (1646-10-27 bis 1717-02-14) |
Tochter | Dorothy Morgan-Parke (1652-03-06 bis 1704-04-05) |
Son of Robert Parke and Martha (Chaplin) Parke. Brother of Martha Parke, William Parke, Robert Parke Jr., John Parke, Jane Parke, Anne (Parke) Payson and Samuel Parke. Father of Martha (Parke) Wheeler, Thomas Parke, Nathaniel Parke, Dorothy (Parke) Morgan, Robert Parke, Alice (Parke) Larrabee, William Parke and John Parke.